Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hey Friends!

Today we're going to talk a little about opportunity;

> What is it?

> How to find it.


> What it will mean for you and your family once you take heed and run with it.

So, what is OPPORTUNITY? Random House Dictionary defines it as a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.

Many people talk about this word without having a truly clear meaning of the word. We use the cliche' "Opportunity only knocks once!" or "When opportunity knocks, you better open the door".

Let me tell you now, RARELY does anyone ACTUALLY take in these sayings, and lives by them. We're so used to them, that we plain out ignore them. Or, we become so insecure within ourselves, that we don't ever think that opportunity will come our way. Truth of the matter is that opportunity knocks more often than once. Some of the time opportunity rings the bell instead of knocking on the door.

So what's the problem? We were never taught how to recognize it. If it didn't say OPPORTUNITY on it in big bold letters, we sim[ply ignore it, or are sketpics of it.

Think about this.

How many times has someone pitched a SOLUTION to you based off of the problem you presented to them, only for you to ignore it and try to solve the issue your way?

How many times have you complained about money, then someone comes along and presents a way for you to solve your money woes 10 times over, but you chose to try and do it your way?

How many times have you talked about how you're not being "paid what you're worth" then someone tries to put you on to an additional income stream,OR a better paying employment opportunity, but you tell them "it's not for you"?

Ladies and gentleman, that is opportunity with a capital "O" banging you over the head with a sledge hammer.

Looking at it from a business stand point, the one slowest to capitalize on an opportunity, is usually the last to finish.

So don't live your life in the "what if" phase from not hopping on the chance to change your life. Become a little bit of a risk taker. You may be pleased that you did!

Your friend in business and in life,
Anthony W. Hawkes
Business Consultant/ Success Coach

P.S.- Like this Blog? Check out my past blogs, and let me know what you think!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to the BLASTOFF!!!

Hey Friends!

I cannot begin to explain the EXCITEMENT that has just begun to buzz around the water-cooler.

BLASTOFF is here, ready, and waiting for YOU!!!

So, what is BLASTOFF? Simply put, Blastoff is a one-stop media shop, with all of the extra fixin's!

> Like to keep abreast of the news, sports and media-hype at the same time?

> How about your social media updates from Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, etc.?

> Want to listen to music where you control and program ONLY the music YOU want to listen too?

> Like to shop online? Blastoff has THE hottest online stores to choose from such as Target, BestBuy, WalMart, Kohl's, Sears, Toy's R Us, etc.! Literally HUNDREDS of stores to choose from.

> What about that Cell Phone connect? Guess what? Blastoff has you covered on that too (with the best discounts from all of the leading cell phone providers such as Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, T-Mobile, AT&T, etc.)!

Go here NOW to see it for yourself.

Wait, there's more! All of the features I listed above, PLUS the ones I HAVEN'T mentioned, are all found on ONE page. That's right everything can be accessed with one click of the button!

So, what makes Blastoff so different from all of the other sites that are out there? I'm glad you asked. Ummmm... its FREE to join! Yup. Absolutely, 100% FREE to join.

So why should you join?

Oh yeah, there is one little, teenie-weenie detail I forgot to mention about it. Are you ready for this? If you join, and invite others to join, you GET PAID on ANYTHING they buy through your site, ANYTHING!

Ok, enough talking. Go join NOW by clicking HERE.

Your friend in business and in life,

Anthony W. Hawkes
Business Coach & Consultant

P.S.- If you join, I'll PERSONALLY will help you invite your friends by giving you the EXACT same copy with YOUR link to promote for your friends to join under you.

Let's make it happen!!!