Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hello and welcome!

This will be the first intallment, in a series, that will showcase some of the member's stories that show how being a member of Pre-Paid Legal Services has assisted them in their time of need.
"Good Afternoon,

I am writing this letter in good faith and by that I mean, the faith that I had in [the Attorney] who has represented me since I made a phone call to him back in January 2006. [He] wrote to [a man] who I had contracted to do work on my house, which was never completed. [The man] left me a voicemail stating he would give me the money I was asking for. Of course nothing from him.Through phone calls to [the Attorney], yet again, sent another letter. On May 9th, my daughter phoned me and said I had received the money I was asking for, from [the man]. I was so ecstatic, I immediately picked up the phone and called [the Attorney] with the good news.I would like for you to know the professionalism that I received from [the Attorney] was just the tops. He is fantastic and I am so thankful to him. It took a while, but it all came through. If I ever have any other legal problems, I will sure ask for [him] to handle all my matters. I will highly recommend [him] to anyone having legal problems.

Thank You So Much
W. Simpson"
"During the child custody issue I recently went through, an attorney from our provider firm here in California did a phenomenal job in assisting me with all the paperwork and helping me review them. Can you please put this note of recognition for them out there.

Thank you,
M. Collado"
"A former landlord had ignored my efforts to get back a security deposit. He had no reason to refuse me other than greed. I wrote and I telephoned.[Attorney] at the law firm wrote the scumbag and in a reasonable time the deadbeat landlord sent me my money.Excellent job by [Attorney].

Yours etc...
J.A. Moreau

Not a member yet? Click Here for more information and let's see how PPL can help you!

Your friend in business and in life,

Anthony W. Hawkes
Independent Associate
Prepaid Legal Services, Inc.

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